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Non-profit organizations like the Inclusivity Institute try to effect positive change directly, by creating innovative programs and developing constructive partnerships with other groups.

A critical opportunity for affecting change, in bringing about greater equity, lies in engaging policy makers who can influence and shape existing policies as well as authorize new programs based on new innovation and research to move forward efforts to decrease the ongoing intense levels residential and economic segregation in much of our country.

Below are key policy priorities for the Inclusivity Institute that we believe would move our country closer towards those goals:


1/3 of households

About a third of households in the largest 117 metropolitan areas live in neighborhoods of either concentrated poverty or concentrated affluence (Reardon and Bischoff 2016). The growth of affluent neighborhoods has exceeded the growth of disadvantaged neighborhoods, with double the proportion of residents living in these isolated areas since the 1970s. These affluent neighborhoods are increasingly geographically distant even from moderate income neighborhoods

Source: The Cost of Segregation, Pendall and Hedman 2015; Bischoff and Reardon 2014